Inventory Factor

China auto dealer inventory factor rises to 1.40 in Jan

China's automobile dealer inventory factor was 1.40 in January, below the 1.50 alert line, meaning that dealers' inventory levels are in a reasonable range.

China auto dealer inventory factor rises to 1.14 in Dec

China's automobile dealers' inventory factor stood at 1.14 in December, below the alert line of 1.50, implying that dealers' inventory levels are in a reasonable range.

China auto dealer inventory factor rises to 1.11 in Nov

China's auto dealer inventory factor stood at 1.11 in November, below the alert line of 1.50, implying that dealers' inventory levels are in a reasonable range.

China auto dealer inventory factor drops to 1.10 in Oct

That's a 35.29 percent year-on-year decrease and a 14.73 percent decrease from September, implying less pressure on dealers' inventories.

China auto dealer inventory factor rises to 1.29 in Sept

That's a 14.57 percent year-on-year decrease, but an 11.21 percent increase from August, implying that dealer inventory pressure increased from the previous month.

China auto dealer inventory factor falls to 1.16 in Aug

That's a 24.68 percent year-on-year decrease and 22.67 percent lower than in July, implying less pressure on dealers' inventories.

China auto dealer inventory factor rises to 1.50 in Jul

That's a decrease of 11.76 percent year-on-year and a rise of 7.14 percent from June, implying that dealers' inventory pressure has gotten worse from the previous month.

China auto dealer inventory factor falls to 1.40 in Jun

That's up 3.7 percent year-on-year, but down 2.8 percent from May, implying that dealer inventory pressure eased from the previous month.

China auto dealer inventory factor falls to 1.44 in May

That's 17.24 percent lower year-on-year and 15.29 percent lower than in April, implying that dealers' inventory pressure eased.

China auto dealer inventory factor rises to 1.70 in Apr

That was up 12.6 percent year-on-year and up 9.0 percent from March, signaling rising dealer inventory pressure.