China Auto Index
China vehicle inventory alert index falls to 56.9% in Feb
China's Vehicle Inventory Alert (VIA) Index stood at 56.9 percent in February, implying that the automotive industry continues to be in contractionary territory.
China vehicle inventory alert index rises to 62.3% in Jan
China's Vehicle Inventory Alert (VIA) Index stood at 62.3 percent in January, implying that the automotive industry continues to be in contractionary territory.
China vehicle inventory alert index falls to 50.2% in Dec
China's Vehicle Inventory Alert (VIA) Index stood at 50.2 percent in December, implying that the automotive industry continues to be in contractionary territory.
China vehicle inventory alert index rises to 51.8% in Nov
China's Vehicle Inventory Alert (VIA) Index stood at 51.8 percent in November, implying that the automotive industry continues to be in contractionary territory.
China vehicle inventory alert index lowers to 50.5% in Oct
China's Vehicle Inventory Alert (VIA) Index stood at 50.5 percent in October, implying that the automotive industry continues to be in a contractionary range, but inventory conditions improved further from the previous month.
China vehicle inventory alert index lowers to 54.0% in Sept
China's Vehicle Inventory Alert (VIA) Index stood at 54.0 percent in September, implying that the automotive industry continues to be in a contractionary range, but the inventory situation has eased from the previous month.
China vehicle inventory alert index lowers to 56.2% in Aug
China's Vehicle Inventory Alert (VIA) Index stood at 59.4 percent in July, implying that the automotive industry continues to be in a contractionary range, but the inventory situation has eased from the previous month.
China vehicle inventory alert index lowers to 59.4% in Jul
China's Vehicle Inventory Alert (VIA) Index stood at 59.4 percent in July, implying that the automotive industry continues to be in a contractionary range, but the inventory situation has eased from the previous month.
China vehicle inventory alert index rises to 62.3% in Jun
China's Vehicle Inventory Alert (VIA) Index stood at 62.3 percent in June, implying that the automotive industry continues to be in contractionary territory.
China vehicle inventory alert index falls to 58.2% in May
China's Vehicle Inventory Alert (VIA) Index stood at 58.2 percent in May, implying that the automotive industry continues to be in contractionary territory.